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Ales & Tales

February 28 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Theme: Fresh Starts

Ah, the beginning of something — so fresh, so clean. But is it always that way, really? Things sometimes have to get messy and break down before another can start anew … think relationships, career moves, muddy winter turning into green spring. Come armed with a personal, up-to-six minute story about when you’ve started over, and how while sometimes starting fresh is fresh like flowers, other times, it’s fresh like those cuss words mama told you not to say.

Storytelling is not just entertainment: it’s a fundamental part of being human. Ales & Tales is a live storytelling open mic, akin to The Moth, but without the competitive aspect. Tellers take the mic to share personal stories, true-as-remembered, in six minutes or less with no notes. There are few rules: beyond the time limit and truth requirement, stories must follow the night’s theme, which is typically a one- to two-word prompt with LOTS of flexibility (like Dirt, Winter, Sunshine or Rigid).

Stories don’t have to be funny, but they can be. Stories should have an arc – a beginning, middle, and end – and perhaps a lesson snuck in there, too. Food and drinks, including alcohol, will be available for purchase; and the crowd is always friendly. Come relate to strangers, and turn them into pals!


February 28
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:


M. Judson Booksellers
130 S. Main St.
Greenville, 29601 United States
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